In my knowledge, this is rarely the case as most carriers know that someone can take their subsidized phones abroad to block them or lock them up for any national or international network. The phone itself works technically in other GSM networks. but you do not want 4G LTE, and it may take some effort to make the APN and network operator settings correct for data and MMS for work. If you just trying to purchase a full-featured, incompatible iPhone 6 for Verizon to use elsewhere (ie, no Verizon service), you can not do this at right now. Moving the company to facilitate the use of non-verizon devices in its network is the result of a few important trends in wireless industry. It appears that an increasing number of US police forces buy a cost-effective device that can unlock iPhone without breaking you. Nevertheless, there are many budget-friendly smartphones in the market, such as: These include new Motorola devices and a number of Chinese manufacturers that give you great savings. Can You Unlock Cricket Iphone 5. Iphone 5 Sim Unlock Jailbreak more. Do not worry about the CDMA section because you will not be able to use this part anywhere else than Verizon unless you reflashed it. I think people with 2 years will have monthly payment plans. Their Verizon SIM has locked on an iPhone 5 so they have to pay two years ago Verizon iPhone they sell to someone else (which may be another Verizon CDMA SIM). So I guess there is a CDMA SIM, but no, iPhone, the phone has some Verizon information (CDMA) burnt prevents other CDMA operators from using them But for LTE is HALF GSM as all Verizon LTE phones with a SIM card have (just like other GSM Carrier) and the GSM part is UNLOCKED due to its agreement with the government over the LTE spectrum gains.