Make sure it not stolen Before you send a payment to an eBay seller or personally change cash with a Craigslist character, use the device lock status tool to verify that your iPhone has not been stolen. Buy a certified pre-ordered iPhone from a reputable seller as Gazelle; You can bid on an auction site like eBay on a pre-ordered iPhone; or you can pay money for a used iPhone from a local seller on a website like Craigslist (or in a grocery store I suppose). If there is a fee and it is not high, it may still be worth paying for the lock, as it may increase your sales value by equal or greater amount. While the appearance and condition of your phone may be acceptable to you, Amazon reserves the right to verify the device and promptly ask if you accept a lower price or if you want your phone to be returned if your price and Amazon do not match. Please submit a support ticket requesting return or replacement, and our support staff will guide you through the return process approval process. Sony Unlocked Phones Usa there. I called free number from Best Buy to ask for the missing headphones and a problem with the IMEI number on the phone and waited 20 minutes and three transfers before I was told that it would be a better idea my trade-you do in a business . How To Unlock Iphone 5c Sprint For T Mobile. All devices have analyzed ESN so you can trust that you buy a phone that someone owes an installation plan or that someone has stolen a managed by an operator account holder. The key to achieving this success will have customers coming back to buy equipment and sell. This is a company that has long been on the verge of saying. For interested parties, Appeals daily organized live over today certified used iPhone inventory of Gazelle as part of its price guidance, you do not have to worry about early termination fees because you Do not have a contract and you can avoid roaming charges when you travel because you can buy a SIM card from a local supplier.