Method 2 If you can not put hands on another SIM card, you can find it with an Internet service called This is a website that has access to an entire database of IMEI codes, and can tell you which ones are blocked and which ones are not. We review regular prices throughout the market, and we do not change the ranking of products in our organic search based on a commercial relationship. When Cellular Data Network appears, either your operator lets you change the APN, or here are some useful tips that show you the right direction for using iPhone abroad: Apple does not decrypt your iPhone. Check out what Apple has to say as you do Unlock your iPhone. Find reviews and questions in Phone Enthusiast Forum. Be careful about potential fraudulent events, especially if you pay to bypass the mobile service provider guidelines. To add iPhone to the list, the company you pay, IMEI (IMEI) code on the mobile phone, which is unique to iPhone needs. Does Official Iphone Unlock Work. In the United States, iPhone is locked (there were discussions) if iPhone 5 is locked or not, which means that it only works with your network operator as you have a contract. Picture: Check iPhone Factory Unlock Status Method 1 The easiest method is to just try a SIM card from a mobile operator. This is different from the one you already use. They recommended me some solutions to address some blacklist - and iCloud - issues that this iPhone had (I have not been repaired because I wanted to buy this iPhone, I did not have my possession around Home Productivity by: Luke Arthur where to unlock A Computer Keyboard Around Home Productivity: How My Computer Around Home Productivity Lock After: Casey Helmick As iPhone Restore Contact Applying For Home Entertainment From: Kefa Olang What About Us People Contact Us Terms Privacy Statement COPYRIGHT POLICY Advertising An error has occurred.