If you do not have the original SIM card or you do not want to update the firmware, go to step 4. 2. If you have the SIM card out of your original network (the network where iPhone is currently locked), insert it . Apple also has clear battery issues in IOS 6.1.6 for iPhone 4 and fixes iPhone 4S, but not all the errors reported in 6.1.6, and iOS 5.1.1 was resolved in iOS 5.1. Unlock Type 3: Unlock IMEI or Network (The only secure lock method for iPhone 6, 6 Plus The last and only this really works, is IMEI or Network Unlocking.Brackonfire Ok, so straight out my mom sent a SIM card with wrong postcode (twice because they are jackasses) and the manager said she can use it with the wrong zip for now until the third sim is coming out. Our pre-sale question was answered in 2 hours and 11 minutes, but our after-sales question before the unlock was answered 3 hours and 18 minutes, and our after sales post-secret follow-up question was answered in 3 hours and 9 minutes. Basically, Unlock allows you access to most of the freedoms used by Factory Unlock users, giving you access to the style, quality and features of an iPhone. How To Unlock Motorola Phone Lock Code. Like iPhone 4, 5, 5c, 5, 6, 6 plus, 7, 7 plus, iPad 2, etc. 3. Select our recommended services, as we review below in the article and provide IMEI number 4. Read more about: Mobile Phones iPhone You are here: Home Apple How to unlock an iPhone 6, 6s, 5 and 7: How to make a locked iPhone that accepts some sim advertising. Mashable is your own source of technology, digital culture and entertainment for its dedicated and influential audience worldwide. Carphone Warehouse Unlocked Mobile Phones more. If there is no SIM card in your device, you can reset your iOS software normally. Apps and features that require a mobile service do not work until the SIM card is in the phone. The iOS software will still work normally.