Since the first matching value for each SSH parameter is used to add host-specific or subnetzspezifischen parameters at the beginning of the file. If you accept the key, a warning appears that may look strange because you are supposed. But this is only an indication of the acceptability of the host key. SSH key and public key authentication Create an SSH key pair for user authentication choose an algorithm and key size Enter the filename for to copy the public key to the server add the key to the SSH agent to create host keys using X.509 certificates for host authentication using proprietary OpenSSH certificates central management requires attention Confirm that sufficiently random is available created General systems embedded devices and the internet of the stuff command and option Summary What is ssh keygen.When one of several identifying features the host change a new host key could be and if that happens, the ssh client will tell you by denying you are in this system. Thank you for tips - useful if you sync with ssh using a tunnel - because the destination URL is always the same (because the tunnel actually sends the data to where it belongs). Some ssh clients can ask you right after the warning to continue and skip the host key verification step (also possible by transferring the option to ssh). There is really no one on my system, and some of the sshs well views make it difficult to use them in scripts that permanently delete the target computer. Changing keys is best done with an SSH key management tool that also changes clients or uses certificates. Using X.509 Host Authentication Certificates OpenSSH does not support X. Are Contract Phones Unlocked more. 509 certificates. Identity: Delegate access to hosts and services 12.1. Delegation Service Management 12.2. Delegate Host Administration 12.3. Delegate host or service management to the web interface 12.4. If a server has multiple administrators (or members or resellers or anything, depending on your policy management method), each administrator can sign the public key to the server.